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Projects who implement a formal interface management (IM) program supported by Coreworx Interface Connect software can minimize project cost growth. Click through this ebook to see how. 


Can Interfaces Be Managed with Spreadsheets?

You have quality team members, equipment, resources, and procedures in place to execute your capital projects on time and on budget, but you’re still falling short of this goal time and again. What are you missing? If you’re still using spreadsheets to manage the interfaces between your scope packages and contractors, you’re likely missing a lot.


5 Ways Coreworx Interface Connect Helps Projects Minimize Cost Growth 

Today's major engineering & construction projects are designed & executed by multiple contracting parties who must collaborate effectively to ensure successful integration between their separate scopes of work at interfaces.

Teams who implement formal interface management (IM) programs supported by Coreworx Interface Connect software can minimize cost growth related to interface issues. 

Here are the top 5 ways this solution helps projects mitigate interface-related cost growth. 


1. Avoid costly errors caused by ambiguous scope boundaries.

Ambiguous scope delineation between contracting parties leads to responsibility gaps & overlaps, resulting in errors, rework, delays, and cost overruns. Interface Connect requires the formal identification and agreement of roles and responsibilities at interface points, ensuring any scope gaps or overlaps are identified early.


2. Mitigate integration issues caused by design inconsistencies

Failure to align technical and design specifications across contracting parties and scopes of work can result in integration issues that require costly rework and delays and may introduce potential safety issues. Interface Connect requires the formal exchange and acceptance of all design and technical data. This process ensures design alignment at each project interface.


3. Identify early indicators of interface deliverable issues for mitigation.

Without a formal interface management system, teams will not have practical visibility into potential issues related to interface deliverables and key dates. Without visibility, teams will not have the information to mitigate issues until it’s too late. Interface Connect provides project stakeholders the ability to monitor interface progress, identify trends, and mitigate schedule risk through interactive dashboards, reports, and notifications. Armed with this insight, teams can address interface issues early on to mitigate related cost and schedule risk.


4. Ensure project-wide compliance to interface management process.

Without an automated interface management system, teams will struggle to ensure the project’s defined risk-mitigating interface management program is followed consistently across geographically dispersed teams. The automated processes built into Interface Connect have been trusted by projects around the globe to drive compliance with interface management best practices for more than 15 years. Interface Connect formalizes a consistent collaboration method between the responsible and responding parties on every interface no matter where parties are located.


5. Automate a comprehensive audit trail to conflict resolution support. 

Without a formal and prescribed system, teams struggle to provide reliable audit information related to interface information and activities. Interface Connect software records all interface activity and providing a detailed audit history is quick and easy using reports. A detailed interface audit history to essential to supporting a rapid rebound following contractor turnover, as well as providing detailed information required to counter claims or litigation related to project interfaces.